Chart Tab
Modified on 2016/11/29 10:31 by Rob Rrickson (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
The Chart tab is used to configure the bar chart properties of the Quote Board Comparison Chart.
Bar Interval:
Choose the time interval you wish to set. EX: you can change to Tick,Tick Range, Volume Traded, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, or Month.
The “Ticks” interval means “trades". So a 200 tick chart cuts a new bar every 200 trades regardless of volume or price.
A “Tick Range” chart cuts a new bar based on price. So in a 10 tick range chart every bar would be the same height (10 tick prices).
A “Volume” chart cuts a new bar based on volume.
History Depth
Allows you to set the depth of the historical data. The max number to be set is 15.